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Yin Yang Kundalini Yoga Flow (all levels)

Introduction to Yin Yang Chinese five element Kundalini flow yoga and Meditation -Aimed at all levels.

Yin Yang Yoga and Meditation has its roots in thousands of years of yoga systems and has evolved over time. Mel blends three approaches, along with Quantum Healing breath work to maximise on the amazing way that these processes increase wellbeing, healing, flexibility, vitality, and radiance. She will show you a simple yet effective routine that you can apply at home to maximise your time, space, energy, and your wellbeing practice. This practice is gentle yet powerful and open to all levels. Even if you have never done yoga before do come along.

Mel is a mental health and wellbeing consultant/advisor and has worked in mental health for over 25 years. She took up yoga when her stress levels were high, and she realised she needed a practice to help shift her mind towards a slower pace to yield the benefits of meditation. After a car accident in 2019, She was in a lot of pain and utilised yoga, along with other healing methods to shift the trauma, reduce the pain and then decided to take herself off to Ibiza to train as a yoga teacher. She realised the power of the Chinese 5 elements approach to yoga, Yin Yoga and Quantum Healing, that when combined proved a very powerful transformative approach. After 3 years she is mostly pain free, her injuries have healed, and she is able to live life with more vitality and energy. She is passionate about supporting people on their wellbeing journey and has worked with people either totally new to yoga or who also struggle with conditions such as ME, Fibromyalgia, pain and stiffness, who are low on mental emotional and spiritual energy. Mel is able to help you not only heal but also help you begin to transform your life.

She also now runs a spiritually based business, Meet Up group and online MMM (mind Movement and Meditation) and coaching sessions.
Make sure you join her mailing list and get your first MMM class free!

Bring a mat and wear anything stretchy.
Arrive on time so that we do not disturb others.
Turn off your phone when you come to class.
Music will also be played to enhance the experience. If you are noise/sound sensitive make sure you choose a space away from the speaker

What will you get from coming to the class?

Learn :
- How create a baseline for practice at home and how to review your progress?
- How to utilise yoga, meditation and breath work to reduce stress reduction and increase vitality?
- How to develop a practice that brings you peace and even helps develop your creativity?
- How to improve your mental health and wellbeing?
- How to feel more radiant?
- How to create more clarity?

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Mindset Group Ltd trading as Mindset Unlimited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 14156748

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